Today was the launch day for my Essentials Journal.
It feels surreal to say that because I've always fantasized about designing my own journal. Well after many months of going back and forth, editing drafts, and playing with different ideas, I am proud of the final results (and so happy I can share it with you guys!)
I've been journaling for as long as I can remember- it was actually mandatory for all the grade school students in Korea, and it's one of the habits I've been consistent with throughout the years. When I was younger, I used it to keep all my secrets safe (I would only buy those diaries with a lock!), but now it's a pillar in my routine and a way for me to slow down in our fast-paced world. No matter how busy my mornings are or how late I go to bed, I write in my journal as a way to reset. It takes just a couple of minutes, but the consistent practice of sitting down, pausing, and writing down our thoughts can be meditative, and over time, it can be life-changing (I don't say this lightly!).
So this is why creating the perfect journal felt like a personal mission. I wanted to make sure that this is not just another pretty book sitting on the shelf, but a tool you use every day in your slow living journey. Now that the journal is here, I wanted to share with you how you can use this journal to slow down and become more intentional in your life.
Habit stacking
Habits stacking just means linking a new habit to an existing one. For me, I journal with my morning coffee and right after brushing my teeth. This works because there is not a day I go without my coffee and brushing my teeth :) so it's easy to remember.
What is one habit that you do every single day? can you set aside 3-5 minutes before or after that habit for journaling?
Put it by your bedside table or anywhere that is visible.
If I see it, I will use it. I have the journal right next to my bedside table, with my pen ready to go, and it's always there as a reminder. Once this became a habit, I don't have to put a lot of effort to think about it anymore (thanks muscle memory!).
Make it enjoyable with your favorite pen and calming music
Journaling is not another thing you have to do. this is YOUR time, so make it enjoyable. Do you have a favorite pen you like to write with? Do you have a playlist you love? do you like to burn incense while writing? do you like to journal in candlelight?
If we can't have 10 minutes in the morning and evening to ourselves, I think it's time to shift some priorities!
Experiment with different journaling styles
The Essentials journal is a daily journal, which means the prompts are short and simple on purpose which helps me to be consistent! But if you love doing morning pages or you love habit tracking, or doing longer prompts, that's great! do whatever works for you.
I have my essentials journal and I have a second journal just in case I get inspired to write more. Once the ideas start flowing, I want to make sure to write it all down, so the 2 journal system works well for me.
Get right back when you fall off track
The perfectionist in me craves an all-or-nothing approach, but life isn’t perfect, and neither are habits. What matters most is consistency over time, not perfection in the moment. Missing a day doesn’t mean you should give up, just get right back to it the next day.
That's why I love undated journals :)
I hope that this is helpful for you guys! Happy journaling and I hope that the Essentials journal (or any journal) will have an immense amount of positive impact in your life :)
Love always,